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Applied AI: Transforming Businesses in the Real World



Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a transformative force in the business world. Moving out of the laboratories to tangibly impact the real world, applied AI is redefining how companies operate and interact with customers and markets. In this article, we will explore what applied AI is, its business benefits, and some impressive use cases.

What is Applied AI?

Applied AI refers to the practical use of artificial intelligence technologies in real-world applications. Unlike theoretical AI, which focuses on research and development, applied AI aims to solve concrete problems and bring tangible benefits to various sectors. It employs advanced machine learning techniques and integrates with software applications to enhance accuracy and adaptability over time.

Applied AI not only optimizes existing business processes but also creates opportunities for innovation and new ways of interacting with the environment. It encompasses a variety of applications, from automating routine tasks to advanced data analysis for strategic decision-making. In other words, applied AI's main characteristic is its ability to provide practical and measurable solutions to real-world challenges, positively impacting diverse businesses and sectors.

Business Benefits of Applied AI

The successful implementation of applied artificial intelligence offers a variety of business benefits, positively impacting efficiency, innovation, and decision-making. Below are some of the key benefits:

Enhanced Decision Making:

AI can analyze large volumes of data in real-time, identify patterns, and provide valuable insights. This helps business leaders make more informed and strategic decisions.

Personalization and Customer Experience:

AI enables the customization of customer interactions. AI-based recommendation systems can offer personalized products, while chatbots provide 24/7 automated customer support. Furthermore, applied AI bridges the digital and physical worlds, limiting model errors, social ethical issues, and human bias, providing more robust and reliable solutions.

Predictive Maintenance:

Applied AI in predictive maintenance helps companies anticipate equipment failures, reducing unplanned downtime and associated costs.


AI can automate routine and repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic activities. Thus, it aids in increasing operational efficiency and also optimizes internal operations, enhancing efficiency in areas such as supply chain, logistics, production, and human resource management. Additionally, task and process automation through AI can lead to a significant increase in productivity, allowing companies to do more with fewer resources.

Cost Savings:

AI-enabled automation can lead to a reduction in operational costs, especially in areas where efficiency can be improved. Through its analytical and adaptive capabilities, applied AI identifies and helps solve complex business problems, driving growth and profitability.

Fraud Detection and Security:

AI systems can identify suspicious patterns in real-time, significantly improving fraud detection and cybersecurity.

Applied AI Use Cases:

Retail - Customer Experience Personalization and Inventory Optimization:

In retail, AI is revolutionizing how stores interact with customers. Using data from past purchases and preferences, AI can offer personalized recommendations, increasing customer satisfaction and sales.

Additionally, AI assists in inventory management, predicting future demands and helping to avoid both overstock and out-of-stock situations.

Healthcare - Innovative Diagnostics and Treatments:

In healthcare, applied AI is transforming diagnostics and treatments.

With the ability to analyze large volumes of medical data and images, AI can identify patterns that may go unnoticed by doctors, leading to more accurate and faster diagnoses. Furthermore, it is being used to develop personalized treatments, increasing the chances of success and reducing side effects.

Financial Industry - Fraud Prevention and Risk Management:

In the financial sector, AI is a powerful tool in fraud prevention and risk management. AI systems can monitor transactions in real-time, detecting suspicious activities that may indicate fraud attempts.

Additionally, AI aids in investment risk analysis, enabling financial institutions to make more informed decisions.

Manufacturing - Process Optimization and Predictive Maintenance:

In the manufacturing industry, AI is optimizing production processes through intelligent automation. This not only increases efficiency and reduces costs but also improves product quality. AI also plays a crucial role in predictive maintenance, analyzing machine data to predict failures before they occur, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Agriculture - Crop Monitoring and Farm Management:

In agriculture, AI is helping to monitor and manage crops more efficiently. Drones and sensors equipped with AI collect and analyze data on crop conditions, helping farmers make informed decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and harvesting. This not only increases crop yield but also contributes to more sustainable agricultural practices.


Applied AI is more than a technological trend; it is a driver of transformation and innovation in business. With its ability to improve decision-making, increase efficiency, and drive growth, applied AI is shaping the future of business. As we continue to explore its potential, we will see even more advances and transformative applications in the business world.

Raquel Sales
Marketing Analyst
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